It’s not just the huge trees we do! Anything from a Lavender or a Cordyline or entire beds. Our tree services cover all aspects of woody shrubs and vegetation within your garden.
Clearing Enitre Mixed Shrub and Tree Beds. When undertaking this work we can remove above ground parts of the plants and treat the stumps to prevent regrowth if required. We can remove the plants including the roots even with limited access due our range of stump grinders. We also offer herbicide applications so if you need the weeds or an annoying spreading plant removing we can spray that off.
Shrub Bed Regeneration. When planting a mixture of trees and shrubs in a bed they can often get out of hand! As the faster growing species take over the bed, diversity of plants and colour can be lost. Some plant species such as Conifers don’t readily reshoot so options to prune and shape can be limited (call us for further advice). However, most flowering shrubs (but not all!) will reshoot readily when cut low to the ground. If you need your bed re-capturing then give us a call we will be able to recommend which plants can be regenerated, which need removing, pruning or replacing.
Hedge removals for fencing. It is always easier if we are removing hedges prior to installing a new fence ourselves. This isn’t just as we are will coordinate the works to give minimum disruption to your garden, but also if the stumps need removing then they will have been done properly. Removing of the stumps can often be essential to allow for a quality fence installation, however please bear in mind that our fencing team would not use a standard post length or foudnation when installing in ground that a stump grinder has been near. The added advantage of all the works being undertaken by ourselves is that if a root is missed or a problem found we can solve it immediately without having to deal with another contractor that may be slow to react or not too keen to remedy an issue when they have left site!
Hedge removals for new hedges. We can also remove a hedge and replace it immediately. Inparticular with Conifer hedges when they become too large we are limited to the options in terms of reducing its width. In which case removal and replacement may be the only option. Depending on the size required of the new hedge (0.3m – 6m) will determine whether stumps require removing, we will advise you of the pros and cons during initial site visits. A switch in species may also be recommended due to ability to prune if allowed to get too large again, foliage size, ease of maintenance, flowers, etc etc. There is no limit to the species we plant and as we source planting stock from all over Europe most sizes are also available including pre-clipped or “readyhedges”!