While there is no official difference, we would consider an Arborist to be a qualified Tree surgeon a formal qualification giving them a scientific insight into why they are cutting and where!
Not all fungi fruiting from the tree are terminal or may lead to a serious problem. Some however will do. If you see something that is not normal particularly in the autumn. Then it is safest to book an appointment and find out what is going on. Some fungi can decay the base of the tree and make previously structural timber resemble cotton wool! If the fungi is not significant we will tell you.
We undertake planning applications on your behalf for works in a conservation area and on Trees protected by a preservation orders or TPO’s as they are often called. As we put the application into the council digitally they recieve it instantly. They then have 9 days to acknowledge receipt. The acknowledgement date is when the timing starts for them to make a decision. Conservation area applications take 6 weeks and Tree preservation order (TPOs) take 8 weeks for the council to make a decision. This is to allow suitable time for 3rd parties to comment on the application.
Trees often outgrow their location and a crown reduction can be undertaken to retain the tree. Unfortunately, if too much of the tree is removed more problems are created, or the pruning if more accurately termed ‘Topping’.
Coppicing is the ancient craft of pruning a tree or shrub to create multiple vigorous shoots from near ground level, removing all or some of the growth. The winter period is considered to be the best time to coppice after the trees have dropped their leaves and also allowing a long period of re-growth before the following winter. Subsequent re-growth can be harvested between 1 & 30 years depending on the required use and species. Many species can be coppiced including: Oak, Ash, Birch, Hazel, Sweet Chestnut, Alder and Willow. The resulting re-growth is generally very straight and with younger growth also quite flexible.
Unfortunately the government stopped us being able to charge what the credit card companies charge us for each transaction. Usually around 2% whereas a debit card would be approx. 9p. As a result we had to make the decision of whether to increase everyone’s costs or to stop taking Credit Cards. We chose the latter as in our opinion it benefits far more of our clients.