We shear thousands of hedges every year and some twice a year across the Leicestershire County. Whether its a Privet, Yew, Leyland Cypress, Beech or whatever you can rest assured that we will take into account the cost implications, timing, and most efficient way to manage your hedge on a yearly basis.
If you have a flowering type hedge then timing of shearing is essential otherwise you are likely to have a non-flowering hedge instead!
Don’t forget its really important to consider the nesting birds that may be living inside your hedge. A careful inspection or keeping an eye out for regular bird activity in and out of the hedge will tell you there is an active nest.
We can supply and plant a new hedge for you as well hedge-planting. Or if you would like to look at the alternatives why not check out the fences we supply and install. Or if you are looking for a living screen thats a little different consider training trees or high level espalier.